1) Access to an Electronic Device
Most students type up notes during lectures on an ipad/laptop. However, if you don’t have you own electronic device you can absolutely take handwritten notes. Most universities have a computer room that you can use for online assignments. If you are struggling financially make sure you are availing of all college and government supports, they might be able to provide you with the materials you need.
If you’re using an iPad, an iPad keyboard makes typing so much easier. You can buy an iPad keyboard here. Lots of people also use iPad pencils to write notes & highlight during lectures. You can buy an iPad pencil here. Disclosure: as an amazon affiliate I earn a small commission from sales.
2) A Filing System
If you make handwritten notes set up some sort of filing system so you don’t have waste time rummaging through disorganised mountains of paper. I keep a separate folder for each module and use dividers to separate topics.
You can purchase ring binder folders here and dividers here. Disclosure: as an amazon affiliate I earn a small commission from sales.
It’s just as important to organise your online notes as it is paper ones. You can create folders for different topics in most note taking apps, Word/OneNote/Notion etc.
3) Flashcards
Flashcards are so helpful for memorising in medical school. Even if they’re not your thing I recommend at least giving them a go for a little while before you write them off completely. You can use free online flashcard apps like Quizlet/Anki or if you prefer to work screen free then these note cards are perfect for making concise, satisfying flashcards. If you don’t have time to make your own you can buy pre-made flashcards for example Netter’s flashcards have everything you need to know for anatomy.
Click here to buy Netter’s flashcards.
Click here to buy colour coded note cards.
Disclosure: as an amazon affiliate I earn a small commission from sales.
4) A Practical Bag
We all want a nice bag for college but just make sure the cute bag you picked out is able to fit everything you need comfortably inside and is easy to carry around campus. Tote bags like this one and backpacks, like this, are very popular among college students. Disclosure: as an amazon affiliate I earn a small commission from sales.
5) A Decent Water Bottle
Sitting in a stuffy lecture hall is thirsty work. You need to stay well hydrated to keep your brain cells on the ball. A water bottle that’s small enough to fit in your bag but big enough that you don’t have to refill it constantly is ideal. Also make sure your water bottle doesn’t leak!
6) Feel Good Outfits
Find yourself a few nice outfits that feel good to wear (as in are comfortable) and also make you feel good about yourself. A good outfit can really make your day. Click here for my post on what to wear to college in Ireland.
7) An Alarm Clock
Medicine is full of early starts (sob). You need a trustworthy alarm clock so you don’t have an unwelcome lie in. If you have a bit of a phone addiction an alarm clock is a must (so you can’t keep your phone in your room at night with the excuse of ‘i need it for my alarm!’)
Click here to browse alarm clocks on Amazon. Disclosure: as an amazon affiliate I earn a small commission from sales.
8) A Lunch Box/Flask
Buying lunch everyday adds up. If you want to save money in college bringing your own lunch is a great idea.
9) A Budget
There are so many ways to overspend in college (lunches out, coffee, trips, coffee, nights out, another coffee). Having a budget in mind from the beginning will keep you on track so you don’t have to be stressing about finances as well as studies.
10) A Positive Attitude
College is a really exciting time of new experiences and self discovery. If you go into college with an open mind and positive attitude you’ll have a great time!
Best of luck starting medical school! Enjoy it!